Backyard Birds

Birds of Prey


Countryside Birds




Gulls and Terns

Herons, Egrets and Cranes


Shrikes and Vireos


Swallows, Swifts and Purple Martins

Swans, Pelicans and Cormorants

Urban and Nuisance Birds


Wild turkey, Bobwhite, Pheasant, Prairie Chicken and Rails

Woodland songbirds


American goldfinch

Common Baby Birds:

Here's tough one. What kind of duckling is this?

This is a page of photographs to help you sort out nature's nursery.

Rare Visitors:

Harlequin duck, 12/25/2005

Related Topics:

The trouble with cowbirds

Hummingbird tips and photos

Photographs copyright: Chris Young and Jane Seitz, The Illinois Raptor Center. Others pictures are used courtesy of Dennis Oehmke, Kanae Hirabayashi or The State Journal-Register in Springfield. The primary reference for this guide is: The Birds of Illinois by H. David Bohlen, asst. curator zoology, the Illinois State Museum. It is used with the author's permission. Other sources will be noted in the text. No pictures from this website may be use without specific permission from the owners of this website.
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